

Musthane® ‘s iso14001 certification reflects our commitment to environmental protection. We strive to constantly improve the environmental performance of our activities and products and to avoid any negative impact on the environment. This includes the efficient use of materials and energy during the design, production, purchasing, logistics, use and disposal of all our products. 

From our knowledge in the field of flexible materials (rubber, composite…), our engineers bring you customized solutions. Our goal is to make you benefit from our know-how acquired since many years in our trade of the transformation of the flexible products to protect the environment.

We offer mobile environmental protection equipment such as:

inflatable pipe plugs: they avoid pollution of water networks in case of fire or accidental spillage of toxic products. Some models are permanently installed in the pipes and are automatically activated in case of pollution. To increase their efficiency, they have an autonomous inflation source.

Oil booms: they contain the pollution at sea while they are being pumped out.

Floating storage tanks: they temporarily store oil-polluted water at sea. They wait while floating to be brought back to port so that the polluted water can be treated.

Underwater lifting bags : They allow to refloat damaged or sunken boats.

Our products fight against pollution during natural or man-made disasters. They have been used during the main disasters such as Erika, Prestige or Tsunami. Our role is not limited to providing standard products. Indeed, we often design products adapted to exceptional situations. This was the case during the Prestige oil spill; we designed and manufactured a deep water oil recovery floating tank.

Below is a summary of our solutions / your problems for environment sector:

Contain pollutionOil boomsEmergency pipe plugs 
Storing pollutionFloating storage tanksFuel bladder containmentFuel bladder
Refloating wreckUnderwater parachute  
Testing the tightness of pipesInflatable pipe plugs  
InnovatingCustom design and production  


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