The following instructions must be followed to avoid any risk of accident or injury when you use lifting bags:
-Check that the lifting bags are not damaged (cracks, exposed canvas, cut) or else discard because they are not repairable and
may burst.
-Check that the fittings are in good condition: inflating hose, dispensing member (especially no foreign objects getting stuck in
the connectors).
-Never place lifting bags on sharp, pointed, offensive, hot, incandescent surfaces or near flames.
-Position the lifting bag under the load to be lifted, taking care that at least 80% of the lifting bag surface is under load.
-Inflate the lifting bags only with compressed air or DIN EN 13731.
-Respect the inflation pressure indicated on the product.
-Remember to secure the lift with shim as you lift.
-Never stand in front of a lifting bag in operation (risk of ejection of the lifting bags) or under the raised load (risk of crushing).
-Do not put your hand or feet under the load or lifting bag in use.
-Never move the load without controlling the speed.
-Check with the curves that the lifting bag gives the desired thrust to the required stroke. Note that more the stroke of the
lifting bag is important, more the active surface of the lifting bag decreases and therefore its thrust. If the required thrust is
not sufficient to the required stroke, consider superimposing two lifting bags to decrease the stroke of each lifting bag and
thus increase its active surface and therefore thrust. In this case, always place the largest lifting bag at the lower level and start
inflating it.
-Never overlay more than three lifting bags for stability and safety reasons, and in this case, provide safety wedge positioning
as you lift.
-Our lifting bags withstand temperatures from -20 ° C to + 70 °C. For compatibility with chemicals in contact, please contact
2-Lifting bags operations
-Ensure that the lifting bag is positioned on a smooth, strong and stable surface.
-Connect the inflation hose to the male quick coupling ¼ BSP of the lifting bag.
-Connect the other end of the hose to the air distributor. Warning: when connecting to a compressed air cylinder, it is essential
to use a pressure regulator set at 8 bar.
-When handling, never use the inflation hose to avoid tear off the inlet valve (not repairable). Use the handles for large models.
-Observe the inflation pressure of 8 bar maximum. Overpressure causes a risk of bursting.
-Respect the maximum stroke indicated (consult us if in doubt).
-Position the lifting bag parallel to the load to be lifted to avoid a risk of slipping and escaping the cushion.
-Inflate the lifting bag slowly to compensate and check that the load remains stable. In case of overlapping, always inflate the
cushion close to the ground first. For deflation, proceed in the opposite direction.
-Before deflating the lifting bag, check that the load is securely locked down.
-Never inflate the lifting bag under free stroke.
3-Storage and maintenance
-Store the lifting bags flat and deflated in a room protected from extreme weather conditions, aggressive vapors and rodents
at a storage temperature between -5 ° C and +20 ° C and a degree of hygrometry between 40 and 70%.
-Protect lifting bags against sunlight, UV light, or strong artificial light.
-Clean with warm soapy water the cushions after each use (never use chemicals, iron brush or high-pressure wash) rinse and
let them dry.
-Check that the lifting bags are not damaged (cracks, exposed canvas, cut) or discard them because they are not repairable.
Contact Musthane if in doubt.
-Check that the accessories are in good working condition (especially that no foreign objects are trapped in the connectors)