Concerned about the conformity of the products manufactured, aware of the need to satisfy our customers and understand their needs, concerned about the environmental impacts of Musthane, we decided to implement a Quality and Environmental Management System.

This decision reflects first of all an internal will of organization and seriousness. It is perfectly in line with the strategic choice of the Management. It also reflects an external will to promote the image of efficiency and rigor of Musthane towards its customers and suppliers.

Our Quality and Environmental Policy is based on constant improvement of the S.M.Q.E. It is monitored through dashboards and indicators communicated to the staff.

It is defined by a long-term commitment based on the Musthane values mentioned above.

Respect and protection of the environment are fundamental values for Musthane. We make every effort to constantly improve the environmental performance of our activities and products and avoid any negative impact on the environment. All our activities and products must take into consideration regulations, legislation as well as the requirements of authorities and customers.

This involves the efficient use of materials and energy during the design, production, purchasing, logistics, use and disposal of all our products.

We implement our environmental policy by setting objectives and goals and by implementing effective environmental management programs and systems.

We are committed to the efficient use of natural resources and sustainable development.

Our quality and environmental objective is to work according to the following principles:

  • Continuous improvement
    Key figures on products, processes and the environment are regularly collected and provide a basis for continuous improvement in product development and manufacturing. We aim to improve the environmental awareness of our employees
  • Optimal use and minimum release of hazardous substances
    Our ambition is to reduce the impact of our products and their manufacture on the environment. The factories work to prevent pollution (water, air, soil) and to reduce the waste emitted and the quantities of chemicals used.
  • Obligation of compliance
    As an expanding company on the global market, Musthane is meeting new regulations and standards, whether international, federal, European or national. Within Musthane, it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with all legal requirements.
  • Pollution Prevention: We are committed to taking all preventive measures to avoid any risk of pollution.
  • Optimization of the process and equipment to reduce energy consumption.
  • Customer-oriented
    Our objective is to maintain the same environmental standards for each country in which we operate. In many cases, the intensity/importance of environmental work is defined by client needs, public awareness and national traditions.
  • Communication
    We will ensure that information about our environmental activities is readily available to employees, but we will not develop any external communication other than our environmental policy.
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